VIN entered incorrectly

The actual history FORD 2009 Focus 1FAHP35NC9W176423

Vehicle make Ford

Vehicle model Focus

Vehicle year 2009

VIN 1FAHP35NC9W176423

Short VIN check to salvage 1FAHP35NC9W

Trim Level SE Sedan

Manufactured in UNITED STATES

Production Seq. Number 106037

Body Style SEDAN 4-DR

Engine Type 2.0L L4 DOHC 16V

Transmission-long 4-Speed Automatic | 5-Speed Manual

Transmission-short 4A | 5M

Driveline FWD

Fuel Economy-city 24 miles/gallon

Fuel Economy-highway 33 - 35 miles/gallon

Tank 13.50 gallon

Thanks to the VIN report for FORD 2009 Focus you will trust your vehicle. Get the confidence buying and the safety driving by checking the history of your vehicle. Make your safe choice