Car make HONDA
Car model CB650FA
Car year 2018
VIN number MLHRC7555J5000041
Short VIN check to salvage MLHRC7555J5
Body Class Motorcycle - Sport
Displacement CC 649
Driver Assist Not Applicable
Engine KW 65.6216
Bed Type Not Applicable
Body Cab Type Not Applicable
Engine Cylinders 4
Destination Market 50 states
Displacement CI 39.604409917
Displacement L 0.649000
Engine Cycles 4
Engine Model RC74E-2400001
GV WR Class 1A: 3,000 lb or less (1,360 kg or less)
Thanks to the VIN report for HONDA 2018 Unknown you will trust your vehicle. Get the confidence buying and the safety driving by checking the history of your vehicle. Make your safe choice